Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Can See SOA Clearly Now

I had a nice, clear morning commute today. Cleared my mind a bit. I've been thinking a lot about Twitter and some of the other social networking phenomena. My problem with the term "social networking" is that it's a redundancy. As such, it doesn't say anything.

We had social networking back in the day of party lines anyway. Everyone knew everyone's business within nanoseconds, and semi-smart crowds would form at the first hint of something going on.

Hey, if I reference party lines--particularly the one I had for my phone service when I lived out in the country shortly after graduating college--do I sound old? Do I sound a little Hee Haw-ish?

And no, a party line is not something like "Never raise taxes" or "For the children."

All that aside, I want to start discussions with people about how and whether all this interloping social-networking-as-a-service (SNaaS) stuff is something that enterprise IT will have to grapple with. Are we talking about social-networking-oriented architecture (SNOA)?

Am I seeing this clearly? Or should I put these thoughts where the sun don't shine?


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